Pembroke Pines Palm Tree Nursery
It’s hard to picture Pembroke Pines, Florida, without the lush, palm-lined parks, swimming pools, golf courses, and avenues.
Pine Island is home to our palm tree nursery and farm.
Palmco customer service representatives are knowledgeable and can help professionals in the landscaping industry choose the best palms for their landscaping projects in Broward County.
Your clients will be delighted!
Who is Palmco?
We are one of the largest palm plantations in North America.
We have over 600 acres under cultivation with Florida Fancy (FF) grade wholesale palm trees in a fertile setting with a long growing season that allows our tropical palms to develop to their most beautiful potential.
Our state of the art “green” growing process helps us grow the healthiest palms and give our customers the quality they demand.
Before you buy any trees, observe your proposed location carefully and visualize the materials as full-grown plants. Are there overhead obstructions? Do you have adequate clearance from buildings?
Some palm varieties, like the Queen Palm, may grow rapidly to interfere with power lines. Others, like the Maypan, coconut tree, are spectacular, but may not be the ideal choice for a parking lot. Let us know where you intend to plant your palms and we can help you choose the perfect specimen for the location.
Here is a small selection of palm varieties we provie that will grow beautifully in the areas of Pembroke Pines, Miramar, Lake Lucerne, Davie, Hollywood.
USDA Zone 10b:
Adonidia Palm (aka Christmas Palm or Manila Palm) – If you’re looking for a tree similar to the Royal Palm, but smaller, Adonidia could be the perfect choice. It grows moderately quickly to a height of 10 to 20 feet, with gently arching bright green fronds that grow from the top of the crownshaft. In summer, it produces light green buds that turn into creamy white blossoms that are followed by ripe red fruits in December.
This attractive palm can have a single, double or triple trunk.
Areca Palm (aka Butterfly Palm or Feather Palm) – This dramatic clustering palm has many trunks that spring up from the base, giving it a lush, full look. It is so named because of its fluffy, fine-textured and dense fronds with canes that resemble clumping bamboo culms. Arecas grow to an average of 15 to 20 feet tall, but they need room to spread out due to their wide 8 to 10 foot diameter canopies.
Palmco is a leading supplier of field-grown Arecas in many sizes.
Windmill Palm (aka Chinese Windmill Palm or Chusan Palm) – This slow-growing beauty adds only about one foot per year, and most plants will top out at 25 feet in cultivation. This is one of the most cold-hardy palms (down to 5°F). Its palmate fronds grow upward, and each has about 30 deeply divided leaf segments that range from yellow-green to dark green. The fronds vibrate in the wind and look as though they are spinning… like a windmill.
It likes a sunny, moist and well drained area, and is stunning when planted in multiples.
In addition to magnificent palms and beautiful clumping bamboo for your Pembroke Pines project, our palm tree nursery management has the industry connections to source nearly any other type of plant, including ornamental trees like wholesale magnolias and live oaks, shady ladies, sea grapes, and other quality plants.
Give Palmco a call at (239) 283-1329 and let us know what you need.