Each tree should have its own dedicated source of water i.e. 2-3 gallon per minute bubblers (Larger trees will more than likely require 2-3 bubblers.) NOTE: Pop up spray heads alone for general shrub irrigation is not enough. Bubblers should be placed on BOTH SIDES of the root ball.
Plant trees at or slightly above grade in well-drained soil. (With some exceptions) Trees should never be planted in locations of poor drainage.
Under dry, windy, hot or cold “drought like” conditions, we recommend leaving the heads of most palms tied up 2-4 weeks. During wet, humid, (stagnant summer like) conditions we recommend 1-2 weeks or so.
A high quality transplant inoculant (root stimulator) with beneficial Endomycorrhizal fungi, amino acids, growth hormones, humic acid and minor elements should always be used when transplanting. This will greatly reduce transplant shock & ensure that your new trees will hit the ground running.
Make sure the tree is getting ample amounts of water to soak the root ball. Tip head back or trim dead fronds if needed. If possible, give the palm a fungicide drench (head and root ball). Example of fungicide drench: Subdue and Clearys 3336. Liquid fertilizer (20-20-20) can be added to the fungicide drench. Also apply slow release palm fertilizer. This process can be repeated approximately 6 weeks later.
There are two broad categories of bamboo that can be described by their growth habits. There are the running and clumping varieties. Palmco only grows the clumping varieties, which tend to grow naturally within a fairly tight, contained circular area.
Whenever possible, pickup your bamboo by the pot or root ball- not the culms. Carefully handle the bamboo so you do not damage the culms and tender new shoots.
Planting distance and spacing often vary depending on the variety of bamboo, the size of the plant, the application, and the budget of the project. For larger specimen applications 8 to 10 feet spacing is adequate.
You can apply a small amount of slow or controlled release fertilizer at planting. The golden rule for bamboo fertilization is “a little and often.” Three to four applications a year of slow release high nitrogen fertilizer is adequate.
Bamboo leaves will often indicate when watering is required. When the leaves curl or fold up it is often a sign that water is needed. If the leaves start to yellow and drop it can be a sign of too much water. However it is normal for bamboo leaves to fold up during midday to avoid excessive transpiration.