Wholesale Golden Goddess Bamboo Florida
Have you been looking for the best place to get your wholesale Golden Goddess bamboo in Florida? Look no further than Palmco. With more than 600 acres of palm and bamboo production, we are sure to offer you the finest quality and service available.
We utilize unique green growing processes that make us a leader in our industry. And, we are one of the largest palm and bamboo plantations in the nation! As a family owned business, we take pride in our three generations of experience and will happily answer all your bamboo, palm, and other plant questions.
Why Use Bamboo in Design
Since you are looking for wholesale products you are obviously a landscaper, designer, or architect of some variety. No doubt you have seen bamboo and wondered if it was a possible option for some of your designs. We would like to share with you some of the great reasons to use it in your landscape creations:
Sustainable. Bamboo is a sustainable resource with many functional benefits. It provides wood for construction and other purposes. It helps to prevent the erosion of soil. And, amazingly, it can even have soil healing properties turning blighted soil into fruitful soil. Plus, it grows super quickly, can be harvested without killing, in fact some species can grow three feet in just a day!
Strong. Get ready to be shocked…the tensile strength of bamboo has been proven to be greater than steel’s! If that doesn’t really tell you much, tensile strength is the measure that suggests the likelihood that something will break. Bamboo isn’t made to break. It’s made to flow and bend, so when stalks are cut, they really can rival the strength of steel. This is why bamboo is frequently utilized in construction as support beams and structural residential supports.
Versatile. You can do so many cool things with bamboo. There are the obvious uses, of course, but bamboo can also be used decoratively in the home or as canes, chopsticks, and even weapons. But there are even crazier options as people have fashioned the culms into lightweight bikes and wind turbines.
Eco-Friendly. Bamboo may actually be the future as we continue to blow through forests with our need for wood production. Hardwood trees take significantly longer to replace but planting bamboo in areas that have undergone clearcutting is a viable option. This is because bamboo’s carbon footprint is miniscule in comparison to so many other things. Bamboo takes in more CO2 and produces more oxygen than hardwood trees.
Final thoughts on bamboo…it can aid in the trash problem we have as people develop new techniques to utilize it in packaging materials that naturally degrade. Bamboo is definitely a better way than all the plastic we currently consume.
But what’s that got to do with your clients’ yard? Easy, most people are becoming more aware of the issues that contribute to climate change and how important it is to make positive impacts on the environment.
Offering your access to wholesale Golden Goddess Bamboo in Florida to help your clients be more ecologically responsible is an admirable endeavor and one we will gladly support here at Palmco. Give us a call to learn more (239) 283-1329.