Pensacola Palm Trees For Sale

Pensacola Palm Trees For Sale

There are about 3,000 species of palms in the world, and Palmco grows 20-plus spectacular Florida Fancy (FF) palm tree varieties on Pine Island, Florida. When you’re looking for a Pensacola palm tree nursery with a wide variety of healthy, unique plants, visit our plantation in Bokeelia for inspiration.

The following are some answers to frequently asked questions about palm trees:

Do palm trees grow only in tropical climates?

Surprisingly, no.

Some species of palm trees are bred to withstand temperate climates and cold winters, and they can grow as far North as Michigan. Some palms prefer shade or full sun, and a humid or dry climate, but others can grow in climates that dip to 20°F, and some can survive even colder weather at 0°F or below. To give your palm the best chance of growing to its full potential, it’s very important to know which species will thrive in your area.

Are palm tree fronds all the same?


Pinnate leaves, or “feather” leaves, generally have two rows of leaflets that resemble feathers on each side of the stem. Palmate leaves, or “fan” leaves, have leaflets that radiate from the base of the leaf. They resemble an open hand with fingers radiating out from its palm. Other variations include costapalmate, bipinnate, simple, bifid, or, in some cases, a completely irregular leaf shape. ?

Are all palm tree trunks tall, thin and smooth?


There are actually three main types:

  • “solitary trunk”
  • “clustered trunk” (they grow in a cluster of thinner single trunks)
  • “no trunk” (it looks like they are growing directly out of the ground, but they have a short, or mostly underground, trunk).

Some palm tree trunks are smooth with barely any sign of old leaves, while others have trunks covered in old leaf scars, interwoven fibers and scales. Most palm tree trunks are thin, but can also become very thick based on their overall mass.

Do all palm trees produce coconuts?


The only palm tree that produces coconuts is the Coconut Palm, also known as the Cocos nucifera.

It grows best in warm weather between 70°F and 100°F. In the U.S., Coconut Palms can only survive in Hawaii, some areas of Texas, and in south Florida. They may live as long as 100 years, producing fruits till 80 years of age. Palmco grows only the highest quality Jamaican Certified Cocos nucifera seeds because they are resistant to Lethal Yellowing disease.

How should palm trees be maintained?

Once planted, improper maintenance of palm trees can damage both the aesthetics of the landscape and the tree. New fronds receive oxygen and nutrients from old fronds. Pruning a palm can negatively affect its cold and disease tolerance; however, it may need help with broken or dead frond and flower and fruit stalk removal.

Some palms will shed fronds naturally.

It’s OK to remove browned fronds, but not before they are about 3/4 brown. The best time to trim palms is when they go to sleep in the colder months. Never cut off the trunk of a palm unless you want to kill it, and avoid damaging the trunk or you will give diseases and pests an entryway to the core of the tree.

Palmco is Florida’s premier grower and wholesaler of top quality palms and bamboos.

Whether you need a solitary showstopper or lots of palms to make a property stand out, we have a wide variety of Pensacola palm trees for sale.

Contact us at (239) 283-1329, and we’ll help you transform your next landscaping project into a tropical masterpiece.