Palm Trees for Sale Osceola County, Florida
Few plants offer the beauty and appeal of palm trees, so why not try some unusual varieties in your next project? Palmco has top quality palms for sale that will help turn your Osceola County, Florida customer’s landscape into something extraordinary.
Palmco, located in the community of Bokeelia on Pine Island, Florida, has 600+ acres of palm trees and clumping bamboo in production. Pine Island is surrounded by protective turquoise waters and moderate temperatures, and the long growing season allows tropical palms to develop to their most beautiful potential.
You’ll find beautiful palms at Palmco in a wide variety of sizes and heights. But choose wisely. A 5-gallon container may one day grow to 80 or 100 feet tall, overpowering the buildings and landscape. Be sure to select a palm that will be a reasonable size for the property when the tree is mature.
Palms That Will Thrive in USDA Zone 9B
Palmco grows many desirable palms that will thrive in Osceola County, including these beauties:
Caranday Palm: Caranday (Copernicia alba; aka Wax Palm) is not well known in cultivation and considered rare but is growing in popularity. It has unique costapalmate leaves (a combination of palmate (fan) and pinnate (feather) leaves) that are blue-green or silver-green on the surface and light gray underneath. Caranday palms grow slowly to an average height of 30 feet and make a grand impression when planted in groups of two or three at staggered heights.
European Fan Palm: Growing to only about 10 feet tall, the European Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis) is highly drought-tolerant, does well in salty areas, and is relatively cold-hardy. One of the major reasons that it’s so popular with landscapers and developers is because it does well in a variety of locations and conditions. It can actually tolerate frost conditions down to 10°F. As long as these conditions do not persist, this palm will survive.
Nitida Palm: Livistona nitida comes from a remote location in Northern Australia known as the Carnarvon Gorge. It’s also called the Carnarvon Fan Palm. On average, it will grow to 40 or 50 feet and is well-suited for group plantings at staggered heights and for avenue plantings. It’s a moderately fast-growing species that likes water but performs well even when it doesn’t get any. Nitida also has excellent pest resistance and is cold hardy down to 20°F.
Sylvestris Palm – The Phoenix sylvestris is one classy palm! You may recognize it by one of its other names – Silver Date Palm, Toddy Palm, Wild Date Palm, and India Date Palm. Reaching heights of 30 to 40 feet, this beauty has a slender trunk with an interesting diamond pattern created by leaf scars. Palmco can do a special cut to make the deep orange of the trunk really stand out in your landscape. Many landscapers are using this palm on golf courses, to line streets, and as centerpieces for luxury homes.
Palm Questions? Palmco Can Help!
If the list above doesn’t include the palm tree you had in mind, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service experts. We pride ourselves on our excellent service staff and our palm tree expertise.
As you look for top quality palm trees for sale that will flourish in Osceola County, Florida, consider Palmco. Get in touch with us at (239) 283-1329 to discuss your custom design requirements. (No residential inquiries please.)