Wholesale Palm Trees Punta Gorda, Florida
Does your resort, golf course or residential/commercial development in Punta Gorda, Florida need wholesale palm trees for spectacular focal specimens or magnificent avenue plantings? Do you know how to evaluate which plants will thrive in your area? Visit Palmco in Bokeelia on Pine Island to see how we can help.
Punta Gorda is in USDA Hardiness Zone 10b. But using USDA maps will only tell you where a plant should survive the winter. There are a number of other factors that will influence the ideal palm trees for your unique climate. Even within two or three feet, a microclimate may cause a small area to be warmer or colder, wetter or drier, or more or less prone to frosts than the area around it. It’s important to work with a reputable nursery to be sure the palms you choose will flourish in your environment.
Palmco specializes in FF-grade wholesale palms for all Florida planting zones and zones throughout the southeastern U.S. Our Pine Island location enables our palm trees to reach their highest potential in height, caliper and green fronds. With our state-of-the-art, fully automated irrigation systems and extensive nutritional programs, we are consistently able to deliver the highest grades of palms.
Here are a few of our palm trees that will turn your USDA Zone 10b landscape into a tropical wonderland:
Alexander Palm – Also called the Solitaire Palm, the sleek and elegant Ptychosterma elegans originates in Australia. It has a slender trunk and relatively small canopy, making it perfect for narrow spaces. The old fronds will fall off by themselves, so this palm is a maintenance-free dream. It loves sun and, if protected from cold and drying winds, will reach 20 to 25 feet. Alexander naturally grows as a single, but, at Palmco, we also grow them as doubles, triples and even in multi trunk beauties.
Fishtail Palm – This beautiful Southeast Asian and Indian native has swirling layers of ruffled fronds that look like the jagged tail of a goldfish. It has a multi-stemmed grey trunk, and each stem has 8 to 10 bipinnate leaves that can be up to nine feet long. The moderately fast-growing palm can reach 18 to 25 feet tall and 5 to 10 feet wide. Fishtails love shade to partial shade and can be grown indoors or out. Caryota mitis are wonderful specimen plants and make stunning backdrops for other plants. At Palmco, we grow our Fishtail palms in the field, and some have as many as 9 heads.
Thatch Palm or Florida Thatch Palm – A native of Florida, the Thatch Palm loves the coastal and warm, humid areas of South Florida. It has a slender grey trunk with dark green fan-shaped leaves at the top that are about three feet long and have drooping tips. It also produces white flowers on yellow stems. If planted in the shade, the Thrinax radiata will stay low to the ground for a long time but will eventually reach about 20 feet. These palms enjoy moist, sandy, well-drained soil, and they tolerate salt and drought very well.
Palmco is a premier supplier of high-quality wholesale tropical plant material. When you need spectacular, healthy palm trees for your Punta Gorda, Florida landscape, call us at (239) 283-1329 and we’ll help you select the very best palms.